30 August 2009

wok and roll

JFK Airport NYC:
Thank you to the man at Wok and Roll who saw the look of fear on my face when the gal started to use the meat spoon to serve the rice and vegetables I asked for. He said, "Use a clean spoon!'
"Why?" She said.
He looked over his shoulder at me:
"I'm taking the rice from the other side of the pot."
I said, "Thank you for understanding."
Pointing to my bindi, he said "You are Hindu?"
"No, I'm a Buddhist."
"But the bindi?"
"It reminds me of my God."
"OK. What kind of Buddhist are you?"
"I don't know, just a Buddhist."
"OK. Have a spring roll, no meat."
"Thank you, really. Thank you."
"No problem."


Shay Moore The TribalDancer said...

*humanity restored* :)

Ottavina said...

I'm always grateful to run into people like that who are understanding.

Elizabeth said...

Wow! really touching it makes me a bit teary to think people can be so kind...ok I must be hormonal today!!

Jennifer said...

Reminds me of the time I was in Manila and my guide asked if there was anything vegan at a food kiosk, and was told yes. I watched as the server scooped soup into a bowl, then took a smaller spoon and scooped meat out of the bowl, back into the pot, then turned around and handed me the bowl. Glad it worked out better for you. :)

Miss Boo said...

It's the "random acts of kindness" that remind me how important is is to "pay it forward". Life is too short not to.